I firmly believe in video analysis an using video to enhance and improve triathlon training.
We run the YouTube channel SwimCycleRunCoach which you can subscribe to - and you'll get natural updates whenever we upload a video. However we've compiled various play-lists that drill down into specialist areas of interest that might make your search for answers a little easier. Go to the channel Here →
Our aim is quite simply to give you some answers to help you train and race at your best, but as a YouTube channel we have made certain decisions about the videos we will upload.
We want to give you the best experience and maximum help with our content and although we could upload every bit of video we take - it wouldn't be very helpful.
To be of maximum help we now only upload videos where we provide a considered commentary. That way we do the analysis and explain exactly why a video should be useful. Hopefully you'll feel that the effort has been worth it, but it does mean we don't just upload masses of little snippets of stroke or running styles for you interpret yourself.
What we're specifically trying to do is illustrate problems that we see every day in the pool, with both swimmers and triathletes. We have divided the videos into 2 types. Above (right) you'll see a selection of individual videos from some of my 1-2-1 sessions and below that you'll see more general drill videos that I think should help the majority of swimmers.
Most triathletes have a real problem with swimming - so these videos get the most views of all that we upload.
The most common problems we see is with breathing and the timing of taking a breath. That's perfectly natural - all inteligent people instinctively know that if they put their head underwater they won't be able to breathe. Our job is to convince you that it's easy to breathe - if you follow a few basic steps and practice.
As we said on our home page, 60% of runners run injured most of the time - and let's face it - that's not a good statistic.
Going out and running is easy for anyone to do, but before you do it makes sense to strengthen the parts of your legs and body that will come under increased stress when you run. IN order to achieve that you need to consider doing run drills, much the same as you would in most swimming sessions.
So, we take you through drills and complete some analysis that should help. These are done with ordinary people - those who may have problems just like yours. We explain what we're doing and why we're doing it.
Oh - We also analyse Alistair Brownlees running style too.